jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

01 * April 4th 1982 – April 14th

Adrian Mole estaba construyendo la maqueta de un avión, cuando decidió hacer un experimento: esnifar el pegamento. El avión se le quedó pegado en la nariz y su padre le tuvo que llevar al hospital. Su nariz estaba hinchada porque descubrió que era alérgico al pegamento. Su compañero de clase Barry Kent se enteró del accidente, porque su tía trabajaba limpiando en el hospital, y lo contó en el instituto.

Pandora era la novia de Adrian. Siempre se besaban cuando estaban juntos, pero Adrian quería más. Ella le decía que no estaba preparada y que tendrían que seguir esperando. El perro de Adrian estaba enamorado de una perra llamada Mitzi, y no dejaba de perseguirla. El dueño de Mitzi amenazó con denunciar a la familia Mole si no mantenían alejado al perro.

La madre de Adrian tenía depresión, y no se comportaba como una persona normal. Adrian estuvo hablando con su padre sobre el amor. No entendía por qué su padre se cansó con su madre si ella siempre estaba triste. George Mole le contó que, cuando eran jóvenes, ella tenía unas piernas muy bonitas, por eso se enamoró de ella. Adrian se sorprendió, porque lo que más me gustaba de Pandora era su inteligencia.


Adrian Mole was making a model aeroplane when he decided to do an experiment: to sniff the glue. But the aeroplane stukck to his nose and his father had to take him to the hospital. Adrian’s nose was swollen because he was allergic to the glue. His classmate Barry Kent knew the accident, because his aunt was a cleaner in the hospital, and he told it at the highschool.

Pandora was Adrian’s girlfriend. They always kissed a lot when they were together, but Adrian wanted more. Pandora wasn’t ready yet so he had to wait. The Adrian’s dog was fall in love with another dog called Mitzi, and he always followed her. But Mitzi’s owner threatened to report the Mole if they didn’t keep the dog away.

Adrian’s mother was depressed, and she didn’t do normal things. Adrian and his father had a conversation about love. Adrian couldn’t understand how his father could fall in love with his mother, because she was always sad. George Mole told him that when they were young his mother had beautiful girls, and for that reason he fell in love with her. Adrian was surprised, because he fell in love with Pandora because of her intelligence.


- What happened to Adrian’s nose? Adrian was making a model aeroplane when he decided to sniff glue. His nose stuck to the plane. His nose was swollen.

- Why does everybody think that Adrian is addicted to glue? Barry Kent (Adrian’s classmate) said in class that Adrian was addicted to glue. Barry’s aunt worked in the hospital and she heard the Adrian’s accident with the glue and the model aeroplane, and she told it to Barry.

- What difference is there between Adrian’s father’s reason for marrying his mother an Adrian’s reason for loving Pandora? Adrian’s father said he liked Adrian’s mother’s legs when she was young and for that reason he loved her. Adrian said that he loved Pandora because she was intelligent and compassionate.